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India expressed its concern on Thursday regarding reports that the , and reiterated its call for the establishment of an inclusive government in Kabul that guarantees equal rights for women and girls in all spheres of Afghan society.

During the weekly briefing, Arindam Bagchi, the official spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs, addressed the issue, stating, “We have taken note of these reports with concern. India has consistently supported the advancement of women’s education in Afghanistan. We have stressed the significance of forming a government that is inclusive and representative, respects the rights of all Afghans, and ensures equal opportunities for women and girls to engage in all aspects of Afghan society, including higher education.”

Bagchi also mentioned UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2593 on Afghanistan, saying, “I would like to remind you of UN Security Council Resolution 2593, which reaffirms the importance of upholding human rights, particularly those of women.

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