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India strongly criticized Pakistan for bringing up the issue of Jammu and Kashmir at a Security Council meeting, with India’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations, Ruchira Kamboj, stating that she would not engage with such “mischievous” remarks, as it would be a waste of the Council’s time.

Kamboj’s firm response to Pakistan was delivered during the UN Security Council open debate on “Maintenance of international peace and security: Effective multilateralism through the defense of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations,” which was chaired by Russia, the President of the Council for the month of April.

During the debate presided over by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative at the UN, Munir Akram, mentioned Kashmir in his statement.

Kamboj addressed this by saying, “Today, this esteemed forum has been subjected to some mischievous remarks by a permanent representative stemming purely from ignorance and misunderstanding of the basic facts of decolonization.” She went on to advise that she would not waste the Council’s time by responding to these remarks, suggesting that Pakistan refer to previous responses India has provided.

Pakistan consistently raises the Kashmir issue at various UN forums, regardless of the meeting’s agenda or topic of discussion.

Tensions between India and Pakistan escalated after India revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir by abrogating Article 370 of the Constitution on August 5, 2019.

Pakistan reacted strongly to India’s decision, downgrading diplomatic ties and expelling the Indian envoy.

India has reiterated to the international community that the revocation of Article 370 is an internal matter.

India has advised Pakistan to acknowledge this reality and cease all anti-India propaganda, expressing a desire for normal neighborly relations free of terror, hostility, and violence.

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