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The Delhi High Court has temporarily postponed the hearing of a revision application filed by UK-based journalist Amrit Wilson regarding the cancellation of her Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card. On May 12, the HC had issued a notice to the Centre in Wilson’s challenge to a March 17 order from the High Commission of India in London canceling her OCI card. The HC was informed that Wilson’s revision application, submitted on April 17, was still pending with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) despite multiple requests.

In its May 12 order, the HC noted that the allegations against Wilson included engaging in detrimental propaganda against the Government of India and anti-India activities. The court had directed the Centre’s counsel to provide the material supporting these allegations. The matter was scheduled for August 7.

During Monday’s hearing on Wilson’s new application, senior advocate Rebecca John informed the court that they received an email at 10 pm on May 19, setting a hearing for May 22. John mentioned that the material justifying the OCI card cancellation due to ‘anti-India propaganda and activities harmful to India’s sovereignty’ had not been provided.

The Centre’s representative, advocate Nidhi Raman, suggested that the revision application could be heard on a different date. The HC decided to adjourn the revision application for the time being based on the May 12 order and issued notice for the new application to be heard on August 7.

Raman agreed to submit the ‘inputs by RAW and IB’ regarding Wilson in a sealed cover. Justice Singh instructed that any documents available in the public domain should be provided.

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