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The Afghanistan Embassy in New Delhi has announced that it will cease its operations, effective October 1, 2023, due to a lack of support from the host government, failure to meet expectations in serving Afghanistan’s interests, and a reduction in personnel and resources. The embassy stated that it deeply regrets this decision, but it was made after careful consideration, taking into account the historic ties and long-standing partnership between Afghanistan and India.

The embassy also cited a notable absence of crucial support from the host government, which hindered its ability to carry out duties effectively. It acknowledged its shortcomings in meeting expectations and requirements necessary to serve the best interests of Afghanistan and its citizens due to the lack of diplomatic support in India and the absence of a legitimate functioning government in Kabul.

In addition, the embassy mentioned a significant reduction in both personnel and resources, making it increasingly challenging to continue operations. As a result, it has decided to close all operations of the mission with the exception of emergency consular services to Afghan citizens until the transfer of the custodial authority of the mission to the host country.

The embassy emphasized that this decision is being taken in the best interest of the people of Afghanistan and in accordance with Article 45 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), all property and facilities of the embassy will be transferred to the custodial authority of the host country. It also refuted any baseless claims regarding internal strife or discord amongst its diplomatic staff and requested the government of India to seriously consider its requests outlined in the official note verbale submitted earlier.

The embassy expressed its desire to reach an agreement with the Indian government at the earliest possible juncture and addressed the power struggle at the embassy that has been underway. It also mentioned that the MEA has not taken sides in the internal matter and has conveyed to both sides that they need to settle it themselves.

India had closed down its embassy after the Taliban took over the country, but it now has a technical team to coordinate humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan.

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