0 2 min 14 hrs

The Chief of the Army Staff, General M M Naravane, stated on Wednesday that the Indian Army is dedicated to maintaining peace and stability at the country’s borders, and is prepared for any potential threats. He emphasized the army’s increased efficiency through new weapons and modern equipment in response to changes in modern warfare.

General Naravane made these remarks while presenting the prestigious “President’s Colours,” also known as “Nishan,” to four Parachute battalions in Bengaluru. He acknowledged the challenging times the Indian army is facing, especially with the current border situations, and reiterated the army’s commitment to safeguarding peace and stability.

Addressing the changes in warfare tactics, General Naravane highlighted the army’s efforts to adapt to new organizational structures, weapons usage, and battle strategies. He noted the continuous improvement process in enhancing efficiency with new weaponry and equipment, emphasizing the recent intensified efforts in the past few years.

The four battalions honored with the President’s Colours were: 11 PARA (SPECIAL FORCE), 21 PARA (SPECIAL FORCE), 23 PARA, and 29 PARA. The presentation ceremony, which included a multi-faith prayer, took place at the Parachute Regiment Training Centre (PRTC) in Bengaluru.

General Naravane expressed his pride in presenting the “Nishan” on behalf of President Ram Nath Kovind to the Para battalions, recognizing their prestigious legacy and valor on the battlefield. He also paid tribute to the fallen heroes of the parachute regiment who sacrificed their lives for the nation, with senior military officials in attendance.

During the parade, eight paratroopers displayed a “combat free fall,” while the paramotor flying demonstration was canceled due to strong winds. The award of President’s Colours, or “Nishan,” is considered one of the highest honors bestowed upon a Military Unit for exceptional service in both wartime and peacetime.

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