0 2 min 10 hrs

India criticized the West for hoarding and discrimination in the face of rising food prices, emphasizing the need to ensure that food grains reach those most in need. Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan expressed concern at the UN meeting chaired by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken about the unjustified increase in food prices due to hoarding and speculation.

India recently decided to ban wheat exports to control prices and meet the foodgrain needs of neighboring and vulnerable countries amid a shortage caused by extreme weather conditions. The government aims to mitigate the adverse impact on food security and support vulnerable countries affected by global price spikes.

India will only allow wheat exports upon request from countries facing food security challenges, ensuring a targeted response to those most in need. The country commits to promoting global food security with equity, compassion, and social justice, opposing inequity and discrimination in food grain distribution.

India warned against repeating the mistakes made with vaccine distribution, urging a focus on equity, affordability, and accessibility in food grain availability. Minister Muraleedharan highlighted India’s track record of providing food aid to countries in need, including during the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing conflicts.

India pledged to continue assisting its neighbors and standing by them in times of need, in line with the ethos of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ (the world is one family) and the ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy. The country acknowledged the global challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and conflicts, affecting ordinary people, especially in developing countries.

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