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During the Question Hour on Wednesday, the Rajya Sabha had some lighthearted moments when Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari mentioned the challenges faced by actors transitioning from character roles back to lead roles.

“It’s very difficult. Once a heroine has been typecast as a character actor, it’s tough for them to return to lead roles,” he said, amusing the members.

The same applies to heroes. Once a hero is stuck in a character role, it’s hard for them to reclaim the hero’s mantle,” he added.

Gadkari was responding to a query from Roopa Ganguly about fitting safety measures from new cars into older vehicles.

Later, in a nod to Ganguly’s acting career, Gadkari clarified, “My comment wasn’t directed at anyone. Take it lightly.”

“These rules and regulations only apply to new vehicles. It’s mechanically challenging to upgrade old vehicles,” the minister explained.

However, he mentioned that some of the latest safety features could be retrofitted into vehicles that are 2-3 years old.

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