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A recent survey conducted by Ipsos found that 8 out of 10 urban Indians believe in the existence of God and are comfortable around people of different faiths. The survey, titled “Global Religion 2023: Religious Beliefs Around the World,” revealed that 86% of urban Indians consider religious practices important for moral life, and 83% believe that religion helps them overcome crises.

Additionally, the survey noted that 80% of urban Indians feel at ease around individuals of different faiths, higher than the global average of 76%. While 54% believe in heaven and 45% in supernatural spirits, 71% visit places of worship at least once a month. Interestingly, 73% of urban Indians admit to losing respect for atheists.

Amit Adarkar, CEO of Ipsos India, highlighted India’s ability to coexist peacefully despite diverse faiths. He emphasized how belief in God or a higher power brings ease and happiness to people’s lives. The survey, conducted in 26 countries, included interviews with 19,731 adults aged 18 and older between January 20 and February 3, 2023.

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