0 2 min 3 weeks

“My husband, two children, and I had a close encounter with death.”

Dola Bibi (36) held her family tightly at West Bengal’s Howrah railway station on Saturday, unable to believe they had survived. They were among the survivors brought to the station from the accident involving the Sir M Visveswarya Terminal (SMVT)-Howrah Super Fast Express. Dola burst into tears upon stepping out, expressing her loss of belongings and concern for her hungry children, who were rescued by locals.

Overnight, the railway station was transformed into a makeshift hospital with health centers, an orthopedic camp, and doctors providing treatment for the injured passengers. Ambulances were parked nearby, and people carried medicines, food packets, and water bottles instead of luggage. The Eastern Railway and Howrah District Administration were actively participating in the relief efforts.

A total of 643 passengers were brought to Howrah station by two trains, with proper medical facilities provided to all. Special buses were arranged to transport passengers back home, most of whom had bruises and cuts, and were given necessary medical attention.

Moti Sheikh, a daily laborer, shared his survival story, expressing gratitude for his second chance at life to reunite with his daughter. Many passengers hailed from Bihar and were being assisted in returning home.

Passengers like Ompal Baitha and Rahul Kumar recounted their terrifying experiences on the trains, with some still searching for missing relatives. Tonik Ghosh waited anxiously for news about his cousin, unable to contact him since the accident.

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