0 2 min 16 hrs

As additional trains carrying survivors of the disaster arrived in West Bengal from Balasore on Sunday, anxious relatives swarmed Howrah railway station in search of injured loved ones.

The second relief train from Odisha’s Balasore district arrived at Howrah railway station around 2pm on Sunday. “The train had six passengers, three of whom received first aid. One was sent to NRS hospital and another to Howrah District hospital,” said SP Howrah, Pankaj Dwivedi.

Holding identification cards and documents, people rushed from inquiry desks and looked through train windows to find their family members.

Fani Mondal, whose relative was on the Coromandel Express, said, “My relative Nityam Rai is missing. His phone is unreachable or turned off.”

Many survivors mentioned boarding trains and buses from wherever possible to reach home safely. Help desks and medical camps have been set up at Howrah railway station to assist arriving passengers.

Ambulances were on standby to transport passengers to hospitals. Wheelchairs and stretchers were available for the injured, and announcements were made to guide passengers.

The authorities also helped passengers board local trains to reach their final destinations.

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