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Citing an allegation that the Indian news website NewsClick was connected to anti-India forces, the government and the ruling BJP claimed on Monday that the Congress, NewsClick, and China were linked to an “anti-India umbilical cord.”

Bringing up the issue both inside and outside Parliament, the BJP alleged that the Congress had partnered with anti-India forces to undermine the country.

During a press conference at the party headquarters, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey, Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur, and Minister of State (MoS) for Information Technology Rajeev Chandrasekhar raised the issue. In the Lok Sabha, Dubey mentioned China, NewsClick, its owner and editor Prabir Purkayastha, as well as journalists Rohini Singh and Swati Chaturvedi. Though initially expunged, his remarks were later restored on the Lok Sabha website.

Dubey stated in the House that NewsClick, led by Purakaystha, was anti-national and aimed to break India. He also accused NewsClick of creating an anti-India atmosphere by giving money to Naxalites, Maoists, and journalists. The remarks led to protests and the adjournment of the proceedings.

Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury described Dubey’s remarks as defamatory and libelous and demanded their removal from the record.

Congress MPs Hibi Eden and Manickam Tagore also gave notices for moving a privilege motion against Dubey. Eden stated that Dubey falsely accused Opposition party MPs and journalists of receiving money from China for anti-national activities.

Journalist Rohini Singh denied any involvement with NewsClick and accused Dubey of lying. Similarly, Swati Chaturvedi challenged the allegations and demanded proof from the government or any agency.

Minister Thakur, at a press conference, mentioned NewsClick and China and alleged their connection with the Congress. He also referred to the Opposition alliance as a “coalition of the arrogant” and accused them of nurturing anti-India agenda.

Thakur further claimed that NewsClick was funded by a foreigner with ties to China and accused some countries of spreading misinformation in India through news websites.

Minister Chandrasekhar claimed there was a consistent narrative from platforms like NewsClick, which was echoed by political leader Rahul Gandhi, suggesting a deliberate effort to undermine India’s interests.

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