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Rajendra Sahu spent four years, from 2008 to 2012, hoping and praying for his wife Sushila to wake up from her coma, but she never did. Sushila was among the 185 people injured in the May 13th attack, and tragically passed away just days before the fourth anniversary of the event.

Sahu, 55, shared that Sushila’s entire body was paralyzed, and she remained in a coma until her death. He also recounted how rats would bite her at night, leaving blood marks, but she couldn’t feel anything due to her injuries. The recent acquittal of four men who had been sentenced to death in 2019 for their involvement in the blasts has left the family devastated.

Sahu, who owns a garment business in Jaipur, expressed his disappointment in the court’s decision, stating, “After 15 years, is this justice? We hoped we would get justice, and now we hear that they have been acquitted.”

Another victim, Sachin Gupta, shared that his daughters, Mehak and Diya, along with two others, lost their lives in the blast. He had felt a sense of justice when the death sentence was initially awarded to the accused in 2019, but now feels disappointed with the recent turn of events.

Ramesh Sharma, who lost his elder brother in the blast, also expressed his dismay, stating, “It is wrong that those accused of the blast will walk free.”

The families of the victims are left feeling a sense of injustice and disappointment after the recent court verdict.

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