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Fourteen years after widespread protests in the Valley over allegations of the rape and murder of two women by security forces in Shopian — a charge which a CBI probe later found to be untrue — the Jammu and Kashmir administration has terminated the services of two doctors who were involved in the autopsies of the two women.

Dr. Nighat Shaheen Chiloo and Dr. Bilal Ahmad Dalal were dismissed on Thursday, with government sources stating that the two doctors had “actively worked with Pakistan and hatched a conspiracy with its assets within Kashmir to falsify the post-mortem report”. The two were among 13 chargesheeted by the CBI for allegedly fabricating evidence in 2009.

An order issued by the General Administration Department stated: “Whereas the Lieutenant Governor is satisfied after considering the facts and circumstances of the case and on the basis of information available that the activities of Dr. Chiloo, consultant gynaecologist in the Sub District Hospital Chadoora Budgam… are such as to warrant her dismissal from the service.” It adds that the L-G “is satisfied… that in the interest of the security of the state, it is not expedient to hold an enquiry in the case”.

The order terminating Dr. Dalal, a medical officer at a New Type Primary Health Centre (NTPHC), from service is similarly worded.

It was on May 29, 2009 that the two women – a 19-year-old and her 22-year-old sister-in-law – went missing in Shopian. A day later, their bodies were found in the Rambiara stream.

Following allegations that they had been raped and murdered by security forces, people took to streets in large numbers, leading to a shutdown for over a month when National Conference’s Omar Abdullah was in power.

This prompted the then state government to constitute an inquiry by retired Justice Muzaffar Ahmad Jan.

According to government sources, in the months between June and December 2009, the Valley saw 42 strike calls, leading to widespread rioting. A total of 251 FIRs were registered, seven people lost their lives and 103 were injured.

As public pressure mounted, the police, on June 7, 2009, filed a case under sections of rape and murder.

When the Justice Jan Commission submitted its report, it was rejected by the Majlis-e-Mushawarat Shopian, a committee formed by people of Shopian to spearhead the agitation.

In its report, the one-man commission had accused the police of destruction of evidence, and pointed fingers at the character of the husband of one of the women.

Acting on the report, the government suspended four police officers, including the then Shopian Superintendent of Police and his deputy.

As protests continued in the Valley, the government handed over the case to the CBI, which ruled out rape and murder in December 2009.

The CBI chargesheeted 13 people in the case – six doctors, five lawyers and two others including the brother of one of the victims.

The doctors, including the two dismissed Thursday, and the then Shopian Chief Medical Officer were accused of fabrication of evidence.

“The ultimate aim of the two doctors was to create disaffection against the Indian state by falsely accusing the security forces of rape and murder,” government sources said Thursday.

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